What Is The Vegetarian And Vegan Diet Pyramid?
What Is The Vegetarian and Vegan Diet Pyramid?
Nonprofit organization OldWays has issued an updated vegan and vegetarian food pyramid. If you aren’t familiar with the vegetarian and vegan diet pyramid, you are not alone. But maybe you’ve heard of the USDA food pyramid?
The traditional USDA food pyramid says that we should eat a certain amount of grains, meat and fish, dairy, breads and starches each day for optimum health. But let’s be honest here, that information is terrible, outdated and doesn’t work. If you are wondering (and I wouldn’t blame you) what makes me the expert, I really don’t have to be, and you don’t either.
Just take a look around you everywhere you go out in public. People are fat everywhere. If the food pyramid is the healthiest way of eating, this shouldn’t be the case. But enough of that for now, let’s look at this vegan and vegetarian food pyramid and see if it’s any good for us.
The Vegan and Vegetarian Diet Pyramid
The reasoning for the new and improved vegan/vegetarian diet pyramid is that so many people these days are starting to take interest in a plant based diet. And simply cutting meat out of your diet is not the answer to better health and weight loss, so it does make sense to have some guidelines for eating in this way.
So what is this pyramid, and what does it mean? Let’s take a look at the table from Old Ways
I think that mostly these guidelines are ok for a lot of people. Certainly if everyone ate in this manner obesity likely wouldn’t even exist at all, or it would affect a tiny percentage of the population. For me personally, and my health and weight I don’t hardly any dairy at all, but I do think their recommended portions are perfectly fine for most people.
The only part I have a problem with is the whole grain and pasta servings. Whole grains are simply not as beneficial as sprouted grains, and traditional egg pasta turns directly into sugar the second you eat it, and that is what is killing so many people in this obese world.
But you have to start somewhere, and this isn’t bad overall. I think that at the very least, if you can start with these guidelines and then work on adapting and changing your diet as your knowledge increases, you are in for a lot of great health and pretty easy weight loss.